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Experiencing the New life

You have been a Christian number of days ago, but what's next? Like a new born babies we also need to grow and mature in Christ. On that process or undertakings there should be changes within for us to experience the new life in Christ. To experience it there are three major changes in your life.

New relationship with God
Changes in your character and a new life
New relationship with people

A. New Relationship with God

1. You are now His child. Read Matthew 6:9.
What it means to have God as your Father?

2. You have a new desire to know Go more and more and to please Him.
You want to know not only about Him, but Him as friend. You used to do things to please yourself, but now, you want to please God. You love Him and He is your friend. When God is pleased, your heart is filled with joy.

3. You experience God's presence.

a. Experiencing God's love and care. Our heavenly father loves you. Being His children, you experience His love and care. At the end of each day think, think back on how God loved and cared for you, and thank Him!

b. Experiencing God speaking to you through the Bible. The Bible becomes alive! No longer just a history-book, a storybook of myths, or a required reading, it becomes God's love letter to us.

c. Experiencing God's presence through prayers and worship. When you pray and worship God, God speaks to your heart, teaching you and guiding you.

4. You experience God's power.

a. When Jesus is your Lord, He gives you the power to overcome sins; you begin to conquer habits (although not always easily) such as drinking, smoking, taking drugs, temper outburst, gambling and lusts.

b. The Holy Spirit gives us the power to be God's witness (acts 1:8). We will be victorious in spiritual warfare (Eph. 6:10-12). We experience the power of God when the evil spirits are cast out in the name of Jesus Christ, when sickness are miraculously healed, when bitterness and hatred are replace by love due too the transforming power of God.

B. Change in our Character and a new life in Christ

1.Change in our character. When the Holy Spirit acts in our life, He changes our characters. We become more and more like Jesus. Read Galatians 5:22.
What is the fruit of the Holy Spirit when we let Him take full control of our life?
(Change in character takes time, but the Holy Spirit has started working in you.)

2. New way of life

a. How life was? Read Ephesians 2:1-3
According to these verses, what were we like when we were not ye born into God's family?
(Satan is ruler of the kingdom of the air.)

b. How life is. Read Ephesians 4:22-24
These verses describe what we should be like when we are born into God's family.

3.Basis of a new way of life. Because we have surrendered our life to God, the lordship of Christ becomes the basis of our choices. When making decision, always ask,What would Jesus Christ do if He were in my shoes?

C. New Relationship with People

1. Fellowship with believers. Christian should build up one another in Christ. Show love and concern to all. Seek to edify and encourage.

2. Being a blessing to the Community. You will want to be a blessing to the people around you, starting with your family, and reaching out to the community.

3.Witnessing to the lost. As a child of God, you will desire to share the Good News of Christ to many who are walking in darkness, so that they too can become children of God.


A seed planted on the ground takes time to sprout, grow, and bear fruit. But the important thing is that new life has begun; changes are taking place. Hallelujah!


How much has my life changed since I became a Christian?







Copyright 2002
© 2002 BEC Young People's Organization